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Whispering Maple

Quarter page ad in The Simpsonian 

One week right column block website ad

15 second underwriting spot on KSTM 88.9

Sponsor Shoutout post on social media

$175 ($225Value)

Storm Watch

Half page ad in The Simpsonian

Two weeks right column block website ad

15 second underwriting spot on KSTM 88.9 and SCTV

Sponsor Shoutout post on social media

40-flyer/30-minute street team

$305 ($390 Value)

Rolling Thunder

Full page ad in The Simpsonian

Two week top banner website ad

Two 15 second underwriting spots on KSTM 88.9

15 second underwriting spot on SCTV

Sponsor Shoutout post on social media

75 flyer/1-hour street team

$455 ($585 Value)

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