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Ad Placements

Simpson College Student Media has a variety of publications and platforms, and we at George & Co. Media are here to help you pick a placement suited to your business growth goals. A comprehensive list of our ad placement offerings is displayed below.


*Please note that prices are listed below at the national rate. We offer a 15% local discount for businesses based in the Indianola or greater Des Moines area and a 50% campus discount for student organizations, teams, departments, etc. Flytedesk news racks are excluded from discounts as Flytedesk sets and standardizes prices nationally. Creative charges for graphic design and underwriting are also excluded from discounts. 

The Simpsonian, Simpson College's weekly student newspaper, is the nation's oldest continuously-running student newspaper. We print and distribute 1,000 copies of the 5-column, 10.125" x 13" broadsheet weekly on Thursdays during the academic year. We offer four different sizes of placements in this iconic publication. 

Full Page

5 col. x 13" 

Half Page

Vertical: 3 col. x 10.833"

Horizontal: 5 col. x 6.5" 

Quarter Page

Vertical: 2 col. x 8.125"

Horizontal: 5 col. x 4.125" 

Eighth Page

2 col. x 4"

Design Charge $30

You provide your desired copy, and we'll design your ad for you! is the home for all Simpsonian editions past and present and reaches current students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, and community members. averages ~450 page views per day. 

Top Banner

728 x 90 pixels

Bottom Banner

728 x 90 pixels

Right Column Block

120 x 90 pixels

Design Charge

You provide your desired copy, and we'll design your ad for you!

The Simp Ad Subscription

Want to appear in The Simpsonian every week? Want students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and community members to see your business on our website all semester long? The Simp Ad Subscription gives you just that: a quarter-page ad in 12-13 print editions of The Simpsonian and/or a right-column block website ad for 13 weeks.  Change the graphic as often as you'd like, but please note that graphic design charges are additional. 

Print Only
$315/semester ($780 Value)

Quarter page ad weekly in The Simpsonian (12-13 editions)

​Vertical: 2 col. x 8.125"

Horizontal: 5 col. x 4.125"

Online Only
$260/semester ($650 Value)

Right column block website ad (13 weeks)

120 x 90 pixels

Print & Online
$475/semester ($1,430 Value)

Our highest value offering, the Print & Online Simp Ad Subscription, keeps your business top of mind all semester with 12-13 appearances in print and a spot on our website for 13 weeks

Design Charge

You provide your desired copy, and we'll design your ad graphic for you!

ID Magazine is a biannual student-produced magazine that is published and distributed in December and April. Recent themes have been Fear & Courage on Simpson's Campus (Fall 2024) and Making Sense (Spring 2024). 

Back Cover

8.5" x 11"

Half Page

8" x 5.65" 

Quarter Page

3.9375" x 5.65"

Eighth Page

3.9375" x 2.75" 

Design Charge 

You provide your desired copy, and we'll design your ad for you!

Social Media

Reach the Simpson Student Media audience of current students, faculty and staff, alumni, and parents on social media. 

X (Twitter) Post

Post (graphic and caption) to X. @SimpsonianSC has 2.4k followers on X


Simultaneous feed posts (graphic and caption) to Facebook and Instagram. @simpsoniansc has > 1k followers on Instagram and The Simpsonian has 3.3k followers on Facebook

3 for $30

Posts (graphic and caption) to Facebook, Instagram, and X

Design Charge

You provide your desired copy, and we'll design the post graphic for you!

Social Media Sponsorships

New in 2025, we offer exclusive social media sponsorships for the various topics and teams we cover. We'll help you pick a 'beat' (a specific subject), and each time we cover that beat during the year, we mention and tag you in the story's social media posts on Instagram, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter). E.g. "Coverage of Simpson Cross Country is brought to you by George & Co. Media."

Weekly Beat

These are guaranteed to be in The Simpsonian every week. News, Feature, Review, Opinion

Sports & Orgs

These are covered 2+ times per semester, depending on their schedules and performance. Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Cross Country, Dance, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Soccer, Swimming & Diving, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Wrestling, Campus Activities Board, Music, Simpson Productions, Speech & Debate

Flytedesk News Racks

Our ad partner Flytedesk has provided five news racks fitted with an advertising panel, and they have been placed in high-traffic areas on campus (Kent Campus Center, Pfieffer Dining Hall, Dunn Library, McNeill Hall, and Cowles Athletic Center).


*Please note that Flytedesk sets and standardizes prices nationally, so discounts do not apply to news rack placements. 


24" x 48"

Design Charge

You provide your desired copy, and we'll design your ad for you!

KSTM 88.9 features music and a variety of student-hosted shows covering lifestyle, sports, personal, and other topics. We offer underwriting in compliance with FCC guidelines. You sponsor one of our radio shows in exchange for a live, on-air announcement of that donation, e.g. "This hour of KSTM programming is provided by George & Co. Media on 1st Street in Indianola."


A program host will read your announcement live on-air. 

Creative Charge

Unfamiliar with underwriting? That's okay! We'll write the spot for you. 

Similar to radio, we offer underwriting spots in our weekly newscast, SCTV,  which is uploaded to YouTube each week on Wednesday nights. You sponsor SCTV in exchange for an announcement of that donation during the newscast, e.g. "This episode of SCTV  is brought to you by George & Co. Media on 1st Street in Indianola." 


An SCTV host will read your announcement during the newscast of your choice. 

Creative Charge

Unfamiliar with underwriting? That's okay! We'll write the spot for you. 

Street Team

Members of Simpson Student Media pass out your branded flyers in Kent Campus Center and around campus during the Friday lunch hour. 

40 Flyers/30 Minutes

Maximum of 40 flyers or 30-minute event duration, whichever comes first. 

75 Flyers/1 Hour

Maximum of 75 flyers or 1-hour event duration, whichever comes first. 

Design Charge

You provide your desired copy, and we'll design the flyer for you!

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